Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Coraline by Neil Gaiman
Copyright 2002
Published by HarperCollins Children's Books
Lexile Measure: 740L
Grade Level: 4

Supernatural, Fear, Honor, Survival, Family

Teachers, here are some suggestions for activities and resources that go along with this novel:

Key Vocabulary:
  • apprehensive, distorted, peradventure, petulantly, derelict, plasticine, miser, acrid, vigorously, pell-mell, ululating, momentum, dilapidated
After Reading Activity:
  • Using this comic strip creator, have students recreate their favorite scene of the story.  This will help them sequence events and recall events from the story to aid comprehension.
Writing Activity:
  • When students have finished reading the novel, play the movie for them and have them keep an organizer of similarities and differences that they see in the novel and movie.  Afterwards they can write comparing and contrasting the two.
Web Resources:
  • Here is a discussion guide to support reading for Coraline.  It provides a summary, booktalk, and discussion questions for during the reading.
  • Use this website so that students can explore Coraline's world!
Gaiman, N., & McKean, D. (2002). Coraline. New York: HarperCollins.

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